Officers and Directors

Tom Sullivan

Tom Sullivan

The President is responsible for chairing the monthly meeting, nominating committee chairs and managing club business together with Board of Directors.
Janis Croft

Janis Croft
Vice President - Communications

The Communications VP is responsible for written documentation of club activities, and is the designated chair of the Communications Committee.
Dianne Batchelder

Dianne Batchelder
Vice President - Events

The Events VP is responsible for the planning, organization, and overseeing all the events in which the SAOS participates, and is the designated Chair of the Events Committee.
Linda Stewart

Linda Stewart
Vice President - Membership

The Membership VP is responsible for maintaining the membership list and welcoming potential and new members to the SAOS, and is the designated Chair of the Membership Committee.
Sue Bottom

Sue Bottom
Vice President - Programs

The Programs VP is responsible for educational programs and activities, including making arrangements for speakers at the monthly meetings, and is the designated Chair of the Progam Committee.
Cathy Mayo

Cathy Mayo

The Treasurer is the custodian of all SAOS funds, responsible for keeping accurate records of receipts and disbursements, paying authorized bills and making periodic financial reports, and is the designated Chair of the Finance Committee.
Judie Armstrong

Judie Armstrong
Director at Large, Elected 2025

Responsible for the sound and constructive management of the SAOS and oversight of club business.
Rachel Biello

Rachel Biello
Director at Large, Elected 2025

Responsible for the sound and constructive management of the SAOS and oversight of club business.
Kay Payne

Kay Payne
Director at Large, Elected 2025

Responsible for the sound and constructive management of the SAOS and oversight of club business.