Orchid Links - Orchid Society Resources

Putting in an Orchid Show Exhibit
Orchid Society Speakers

Scheduling Speakers for Your Orchid Society

Here are some tips for booking speakers to talk to your club, geared toward the hard working Program Chair in Your Orchid Society:
Care and Feeding of Orchid Society Speakers
Sample SAOS Invitation Letter
Sample SAOS Confirmation Letter for Shared Speaker
Sample SAOS Meeting Details Letter
How to Take Orchid Show Table Pictures

Orchid Society Show Table

How to Take Orchid Show Table Pictures, Terry Bottom, SAOS

American Orchid Society and Orchid Digest

The American Orchid Society website has lots of valuable information, some of which is available only to members. The AOS issues the monthly publication Orchids. There is also the Orchid Digest, a quarterly publication not to be missed. The St. Augustine Orchid Society is an affiliated society with both the AOS and Orchid Digest.
AOS Logo

AOS Judging

If you have a beautiful orchid you think is worthy of an AOS award, you should consider taking it to the Florida North Central Judging Center in Clermont. On the second Saturday of each month, AOS judges convene at the Clermont Garden Club to evaluate any orchids brought to them before 10 am, 849 West Avenue in Clermont 34711.

Florida Orchid Societies

Florida Orchid Society web pages often have lots of cultural and general information of interest to local growers, here are the links:


Societies Around the World

There are some really great websites published by societies in other states, countries and continents.  Here are some links:

In Central and South America:
Brazilian Orchids